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Impact of Unauthorized Document Seizure

Impact of Unauthorized Document Seizure


Understanding the implications and legality surrounding the seizure of documents during a search conducted by Revenue Authorities is crucial in legal and tax matters. A recent case before the Hon’ble Delhi High Court sheds light on the nuances of this issue.

Facts of the Case

Background of the Search

The case revolves around Mr. Savinder Sharma, where the Directorate of Revenue Intelligence (DRI), without finding any connection to the firm under investigation, conducted a search at his premises. The search began on the first floor due to the second floor being locked. The presence of the firm’s signboard on the first floor led to the assumption of its office location there.

Representation to Release Seized Documents

On May 11, 2024, Mr. Sharma submitted a representation to the DRI seeking copies of the seized documents. He claimed no association with the firm under scrutiny, questioning the legality of the seizure.


Legality of Seizing Documents from Unrelated Assessee

The central issue raised was whether Revenue Authorities have the legal right to seize documents from the premises of an assessee not covered by the search warrant.


Delhi High Court’s Decision

In Writ Petition (Civil) No. 7307 of 2024, the Delhi High Court issued the following directives:


The case underscores the importance of procedural fairness in search and seizure operations conducted by Revenue Authorities. While upholding the authority’s power to search, the Court’s decision emphasizes adherence to legal norms, ensuring that even unintended targets of such operations receive due process.

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