Economic Survey 2024: Govt Unveils 'Amrit Kaal' Strategy with 6 Key Focus Areas - CA in Jaipur | CA. Yogesh Jangid |ITR Filing 2023 | Company Registration | NGO Registration | Income Tax Raid Cases | Audit | Inc Incroporation | CPA in India | Subsidy | Project Funding | GST | GST Raid Cases | Income Tax Notice Faceless | DRI Cases
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Economic Survey 2024: Govt Unveils ‘Amrit Kaal’ Strategy with 6 Key Focus Areas

Economic Survey 2024: Govt Unveils ‘Amrit Kaal’ Strategy with 6 Key Focus Areas

The Economic Survey 2024 projects India’s real GDP growth to be between 6.5 and 7 percent for FY24, identifying six critical areas for development under the ‘Amrit Kaal’ strategy. Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman presented the survey in Parliament on July 22, ahead of the budget.

Growth Strategy for Amrit Kaal: Six Key Focus Areas

The government’s growth strategy for the Amrit Kaal focuses on six essential areas to drive economic progress and sustainability:

Source: Moneycontrol

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