Income Tax Returns Now Invalid if Not Verified Within 30 Days or by Due Date, Whichever Is Later - CA in Jaipur | CA. Yogesh Jangid |ITR Filing 2023 | Company Registration | NGO Registration | Income Tax Raid Cases | Audit | Inc Incroporation | CPA in India | Subsidy | Project Funding | GST | GST Raid Cases | Income Tax Notice Faceless | DRI Cases
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Income Tax Returns Now Invalid if Not Verified Within 30 Days or by Due Date, Whichever Is Later

Income Tax Returns Now Invalid if Not Verified Within 30 Days or by Due Date, Whichever Is Later

The CBDT issued Corrigendum dated April 04, 2024 to Notification No. 02 of 2024 dated March 31, 2024 regarding the Time limit for verification of return of income after uploading.

In the Notification no. 02 of 2024 issued by the DGIT(S), Bengaluru bearing the subject “Time limit for verification of return of income after uploading” dated March 31, 2024: –

Paragraph at s. no. 5 shall read as under:

It is further clarified that where the return of income is not verified within 30 days from the date of uploading or till the due date for furnishing the return of income as per the Income-tax Act, 1961 – whichever is later – such return shall be treated as invalid due to non-verification.

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