CBIC Exempts Accommodation Services Up to Rs. 20,000/Month for 90 Days – GST Update 2024 - CA in Jaipur | CA. Yogesh Jangid |ITR Filing 2023 | Company Registration | NGO Registration | Income Tax Raid Cases | Audit | Inc Incroporation | CPA in India | Subsidy | Project Funding | GST | GST Raid Cases | Income Tax Notice Faceless | DRI Cases
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CBIC Exempts Accommodation Services Up to Rs. 20,000/Month for 90 Days – GST Update 2024

CBIC Exempts Accommodation Services Up to Rs. 20,000/Month for 90 Days – GST Update 2024


In the 53rd Meeting of the GST Council held on June 22, 2024, it was recommended to create a separate entry in Notification No. 12/2017-Central Tax (Rate) dated June 28, 2017, under heading 9963 to exempt accommodation services valued up to Rs. 20,000 per month per person, provided the accommodation service is supplied for a minimum continuous period of 90 days.


The CBIC, through Notification No. 04/2024 – Central Tax (Rate) dated July 12, 2024, in exercise of its powers conferred by Section 148 of the CGST Act, amends Notification No. 12/2017-Central Tax (Rate) dated June 28, 2017, to exempt accommodation services valued up to Rs. 20,000 per month per person, provided the service is supplied for a minimum continuous period of 90 days, effective from July 15, 2024.


Sl. No. 12:


Effect of the Notification:

The CBIC has exempted the supply of accommodation services valued at Rs. 20,000 or less per person per month, provided these services are supplied for a continuous period of at least 90 days. This exemption applies specifically to accommodation services rendered by hostels, camps, paying guest facilities, and similar establishments for students residing in student residences.

Similar notifications have been issued under the Integrated Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 (IGST Act) and the Union Territory Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 (UTGST Act).

Access the Notifications: The CGST (Rate), IGST (Rate), and UTGST (Rate) Notifications can be accessed at:


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