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CBIC Releases Comprehensive GST Handbook for Departmental Officers

CBIC Releases Comprehensive GST Handbook for Departmental Officers

Introduction to GST and Achievements
The Goods and Services Tax (GST), introduced on 1st July 2017, has significantly unified India’s indirect tax system. This reform has doubled the number of taxpayers to 1.4 crore and recently achieved collections exceeding ₹2 lakh crore.

Purpose and Development of the GST Handbook
A dedicated team has created the GST Handbook to assist departmental officers in understanding the CGST Act, 2017, and its associated rules. This guide aims to ensure the uniform implementation of GST laws and procedures across the board.

Content and Structure of the Handbook
The Handbook is organized into 14 chapters and serves as a straightforward ‘how-to’ guide on the legal and procedural aspects of GST. It covers key elements of the CGST Act, 2017, and the IGST Act, 2017.

Utility and Non-binding Nature
While the Handbook is designed to enhance officers’ efficiency in their duties, it is advisory in nature and not legally binding. Its primary purpose is to provide the most up-to-date information on GST laws and procedures.

Acknowledgments and Future Updates
This initiative acknowledges the contributions of various committees and officers. The Handbook is intended to be a living document, adapting to future changes in GST. Feedback is encouraged to improve future editions.

Accessing the Complete Handbook

The complete Handbook can be accessed at: link

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