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Delhi High Court’s Game-Changing Decision on GST Cancellation!

Delhi High Court’s Game-Changing Decision on GST Cancellation!


In a recent legal development, the Delhi High Court has addressed the modification of a GST registration cancellation order in a case involving Optimum Viking Satcom India Pvt. Ltd. versus Principal Commissioner Delhi Goods and Services Tax. This significant judgment underscores the importance of detailed reasoning and procedural fairness in such matters, shedding light on the complexities of tax law and administrative procedures.

Facts of the Case & Timeline


The primary issue at hand pertains to the legality and procedural fairness of canceling the GST registration retrospectively and without providing detailed reasons in both the SCN and the subsequent order.


In its judgment, the Delhi High Court scrutinized the cancellation order and the SCN, finding them lacking in sufficient detail and rationale, particularly regarding the retrospective nature of the cancellation. The Court modified the cancellation to be effective from 30.11.2021, aligning with the Petitioner’s compliance in filing returns until that date. Additionally, the Court allowed the Respondents to pursue any outstanding tax, penalty, or interest dues legally.

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