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GST Application to Educational and Allied Services

GST Application to Educational and Allied Services

Exploring GST Implications on Educational Services

Are you operating a bus transport service catering to schools for student transportation? Wondering about GST applicability on such services? Let’s delve into the specifics of GST laws concerning educational services and allied sectors.

School Transport Services:

Understanding GST on Miscellaneous Educational Services

Contemplating enrolling in a French language course at a foreign language school in India? Curious about the GST implications on course fees? Let’s clarify the scenario.

Foreign Language Course:

Deciphering GST on Specialized Coaching Services

Considering enrolling your child in cricket coaching at a private sports coaching center? Puzzled about the GST imposition on coaching fees? Let’s unravel the situation.

Sports Coaching Services:

Analyzing GST on Private Tuition

Are you a student seeking private tuition for Mathematics and Science subjects? Unsure about the GST applicability on tuition fees? Let’s analyze the scenario.

Private Tuition Services:

Educational Service
GST Applicability
School Transport
Foreign Language
18% GST
Sports Coaching
GST applies
Private Tuition
18% GST (if turnover exceeds threshold)
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