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GST Dept Achieves Major Revenue Growth Despite Fewer Officers

GST Dept Achieves Major Revenue Growth Despite Fewer Officers

The annual revenue collection by the Directorate of Commercial Taxes under the state Department of Finance (Revenue) has surged by nearly 300 percent over the last decade. The collection, which was Rs 21,853 crore in 2013-14, rose to Rs 60,617 crore in the recently concluded fiscal year 2023-24.

This significant increase comes despite a reduction in the number of officers, from 3,476 in 2010-11 to 998 in 2023-24, due to administrative restructuring.

The State Goods & Services Tax department (Directorate of Commercial Taxes) contributes over two-thirds of the state’s annual revenue collection.

“Our officers work tirelessly to ensure growth in collection every year by identifying, sensitizing, and addressing points of tax evasion. They undergo training to enhance their skills and adhere to the prescribed acts and rules. These skills are also applied through various technological avenues and data mining methods,” said a representative of the Commercial Taxes Directorate Officers Association (CTDOA).

CTDOA is the primary body within the State Goods & Services Tax Department (Directorate of Commercial Taxes) that supports the general well-being of its members (officers) and assists with all aspects of their activities, including any service-related queries.

Source: Millennium Post

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