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No data loss due to fire at CR building: Income Tax department

No data loss due to fire at CR building: Income Tax department

The Income Tax department assured that there was no loss of taxpayer data following the fire incident at its CR Building in ITO, where tragically one official lost his life. According to a statement on X, the department stated that the fire has been brought under control and investigations into its cause are underway.

The incident occurred in room no. 325 and adjacent areas primarily used for administrative purposes. Immediate evacuation was conducted, and fire brigades were called in promptly. Fortunately, no physical records were damaged, and there was no loss of taxpayer data since all Income Tax Returns are filed online, with related proceedings conducted electronically.

Sadly, an Office Superintendent lost his life due to smoke inhalation despite rescue efforts. The Income Tax Department expressed its deepest condolences to the family of the deceased and assured them of support during this difficult time.

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