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Rajasthan GST Faceless Management System Implementation: Transparency & Efficiency

Rajasthan GST Faceless Management System Implementation: Transparency & Efficiency

The Rajasthan GST Department has issued Order No. Pt.12 (25) Finance/Tax/2024-77 dated June 27, 2024, outlining the phased implementation of a Faceless Management System for GST operations within the Commercial Tax Department. This initiative aims to enhance transparency and impartiality in administrative processes.

In her budget speech for the fiscal year 2024-25, the Honourable Deputy Chief Minister announced plans to improve administrative transparency by introducing faceless management in the commercial tax and excise departments. Key elements include strengthening the Online Integrated Tax Management, Integrated Excise Management System, and Jan-Aadhaar wallet statewide.

The faceless management system will initially focus on five primary types of GST tasks: scrutiny, business audit, enforcement, appeals, and refunds. These tasks will be assigned randomly to officers to eliminate jurisdictional biases. The distribution of tasks will be based on an average workload calculation among officers, ensuring fair allocation across administrative zones.

To support this initiative, the department will integrate with GSTN and employ an automated system for case selection, utilizing advanced analytics to improve efficiency and equity in tax administration. The system aims to standardize case selection based on risk factors and sector-specific conditions.

The phased rollout will begin with a pilot project in Jaipur and Jodhpur, gradually expanding to other regions. The department plans to develop new software and infrastructure under the ITMS framework to facilitate these advancements.

For more information, please refer to the complete order accessible via the official channels of the Commercial Tax Department.

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