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Trade Body Urges New Government to Simplify GST System

Trade Body Urges New Government to Simplify GST System

The Agro Food Chamber of Commerce and Industry has called on the incoming central government to address the numerous complexities associated with the Goods and Services Tax (GST) system, which have long been a source of frustration for traders.

In a recent statement, the chamber’s president highlighted that despite multiple appeals from various trade organizations across the nation, the previous administration failed to resolve the issues plaguing the GST framework. “Originally introduced to eliminate ‘tax terrorism,’ the GST system has ironically become a source of such terror itself, forcing many traders, particularly in the Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSME) sector, out of business,” he remarked.

The president further criticized the neglect of MSMEs, which are responsible for generating 40% of the country’s employment, while the needs of large corporations were prioritized. This oversight has led to the closure of many MSME units, exacerbating unemployment, he added.

Discussing the drawbacks of single-party dominance at the Centre, he noted that states governed by opposition parties often faced discriminatory treatment. “For example, longstanding requests like upgrading Madurai airport to international status and accelerating the construction of Madurai AIIMS were ignored by the previous government,” he pointed out.

Additionally, he emphasized the necessity for the new government to address agricultural issues. Immediate action is needed to rejuvenate tanks, lakes, and ‘kanmois’ by desilting them, as inadequate water storage has been a primary factor in the reduced yields experienced by farmers, he concluded.

Source: The Hindu

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