
We have taken all steps to ensure that the information on the website has been obtained from reliable sources and is accurate. However, this website is not intended to give legal, tax, accounting or other professional guidance. We recommend appropriate advice be taken prior to initiating action on specific issues.

Transaction Advisory

By Optimal Utilization Of Our PAN India Presence With A Wide Network For Assisting Complex & Critical Issues By Smoothing Processes For Compliance To Indian Legislative Framework Including Accounting And Regulatory Compliance Outsourcing.

Due Diligence

We provide both desktop due diligence, such as promoter and company background checks, and in-depth financial and tax due diligence, which includes on-site inspections and management interviews. We also provide assistance with post-merger integration.


Prior to accepting or making an offer, we choose the most appropriate, globally accepted valuation technique to determine the fair business value. For family settlements, dispute settlements, purchase price distributions, etc., valuations can be performed.


By providing full-service support that includes the creation of pitch materials, the development of a valuation model, and assistance during subsequent discussions, we aid our clients in raising growth capital through venture capital, private equity, or banking channels (non-equity).

Subsidy Assistance

One of the most significant authorities of the Income Tax Department is the ability to examine a tax evader’s home and then seize any unlawful money. Such operations are frequently carried out by tax authorities to reduce tax evasion.


The DPR must be carefully prepared and include enough information to guarantee quick and effective project evaluation, approval, and execution.

Merger & Acquisitions

Complete deal support, from planning to closing. Sell-side Advisory & Buy-Side Advisory. We help clients recognize and comprehend the potential worth of their companies. In order to develop specialized methods for transaction negotiations, we collaborate closely with them.

System Development

We locate viable targets, negotiate a fair price, and support the management all the way up until the signing of definitive agreements. Our services range from market analysis to the definition of an acquisition strategy, whether domestic or international.